September 8, 2017 - There's a goose on the loose. Well, I suppose it's more of a pair of geese on the lease? The lease for the real estate on the front of this mug! I know that's awful, but it's Friday and it's ok to be a silly goose. (I couldn't resist.) It's an odd mug, that handle is fitted for fingers to solidly grip and the shape isn't quite a square, but it's not quite a circle either. Of course, there are also the geese, which until now I did not realize play a semi-prominent role in our sayings and stories. There's mother goose, the golden goose, the goose that laid the golden egg, and Gladstone Gander (Donald Duck's cousin FYI). For all the stories, I think most of our experiences with geese come from encounters at parks, where inevitably someone pushes their luck a little too far harassing a goose, only to have the bird turn foul and begin chasing them. Not that I have personal experience.
The manufacturing origins of this mug are a mystery to me, perhaps it came from Asia as so many of the porcelain like mugs do.