DailyMug is a project exploring reflecting on a different coffee mug every day for a year. Coffee mugs are unique objects in our lives, we collect them, we give them, we find varied uses for them, we have favorites, and we take them for granted. As part of a simple mindfulness exercise (and an indulgence of a coffee hobby) I am embarking on journey to drink 365 cups of coffee from 365 different mugs and take that time to think about each mug. While I try to think about each mug featured, the mug may spark thoughts not related to the design or picture or the mug may simply be there when I'm having my coffee and the setting sparks the thoughts.
If you'd like to get in touch please complete the form to the left. I'd love to hear any comments or thoughts.
While this site os operated primarily as an expression of enthusiasm for coffee, mug, and taking time to enjoy life, some links are monetized to off-set the cost of mugs, coffee, and web-hosting. I don't believe in banner ads, pop-up, or other forms of advertising that are all to common these days.