So maybe it's not morning coffee (not that I didn't have any), but I could feel that I would need an afternoon cup to keep me running. I know it's not a workday, but weekends are starting to become just as busy. There are groceries to be bought, meals to be cooked, bills to be paid, and relaxing to be attempted. Not to mention the other half of household chores that get shouldered by my wonderful wife. To top all this off we've added working on the small townhouse we purchased. So in the brief moment of quiet before starting the next project, I've escaped outside to enjoy some coffee in the quest to going. This mug has some faded wallpaper like swirls and shapes that cover it. It would be right at home in a Victorian house where the decor is all patterned swirls, ornamentation, and flowing forms. I'm looking at the stump of an old tree that has accumulated many holes from questing woodpeckers and became a home for the large rocks I find in the yard (can't run over those with a lawnmower).
This mug design hails from MSRF, Inc. in Chicago, which turns out to be company for manufacturing and packaging pretty much anything, I'd note that apparently, they don't do the manufacturing, this mug was made in China, but I bet they coordinated it. Now I'm not affiliated with MSRF, just found a mug they had a hand in making at a thrift store.